Episode 5: Cool
Another villain of the week...this time he has the power of freeze! This time the metaphor is for somebody who is basically a man-whore. It's basically using the cold as the way certain men may treat women as only sexual objects. Either way, the villains are still kind of just there. At least, Kryptonite isn't sitting around at the opportune time before the fight, instead, like many of the other power villains, he's received his powers due to it.
It's a really weak episode and they tackle a plot-line I didn't care too much about, the Kent farm storyline, although it does get Lex involved more in the Kent's lives and involves more business like matters which is what Lex becomes a mastermind at. Overall though I wasn't a fan of that plot thread. The better plot was the one that had to do with sacrifice for Clark. Lana wants to spend time with Clark, but Clark is caught in a very Peter Parker-like scenario, doing good in the world or being with the special someone. Clark ultimately decides he needs to use his gifts and goes off to be the do-gooder at the upsetting of Lana. Like I said, very Peter Parker like scenario. I expect this to be a theme throughout the season if not longer, Clark's moral responsibility coming in the way of his wanting to be with Lana, friends or family even. It's not a half bad idea, and they've already established that Clark feels responsible for a lot of the bad that's happening and going to happen. It helps sets up the self-sacrifice we see from Superman.
Also getting more of a spotlight this episode is Chloe, who gets to show more depth that the regular super-reporter side. She shows that much like the rest of the town she's quite much like a normal girl, despite her strong, smart front. She also is capable of vulnerability and she is even willing to give a well-known douchebag a chance.
Still most of the plot is spent with ICE-Raper, and it's not that great.
Like the earlier episodes, it falls to the typical, boring villain plot, good character plot. When it finally meshes, the scores will go higher. But until then this show is still getting crappy scores.
Episode 6: Hourglass
The first episode that really combined all the elements excellently. The whole story follows an overall theme of time. The villain is stuck in the past, the old woman can see the future, and everybody else has to deal with the consequences of the past and future clashing into the present when they don't belong (the villain) and/or are not ready to deal with it (the future, especially with Lex).
First off, the coolest thing about this episode are the visions of the future that the audience gets. Lex doesn't believe in prophecy and feel an individual can create their future, Clark believes in prophecy but doesn't what likes what he sees and works to change it. The villain is another one of those elemental villains that we've been seeing lately, but it works just fine because it doesn't overpower and overwhelm the strength of the character story being told here.
Even the villain is kind of creepy, from how things are played out when he's just an old-man to later. It's fits very much into how we view different age groups, the pesky, vile, evil teenagers, and the innocent, respectable, old men. Imagine if the teenagers are just a little bit younger, they'd be innocent again. The circle of life.
I really liked this episode, and it's easily the best episode yet. 8.5/10
Episode 7: Craving -
From one of the best episodes yet, to one of the worst. This is a case where the villain does overpower the story. The whole story is about the villain with really crappy effects, and really an annoying character. It's obvious they're trying to throw a theme against eating disorders and poor self-image, but it's just so heavy handed that it's kind of been there, done that.
The stuff in terms of Lex, Lana, and Clark still moves along quite well. But it's all a blur because much of the time we're watching the villain go on a spree. The plot needs to pick up soon, like I said the villains of the week can only last so long.
I really liked Lex's machinations this week, he's making an assertive effort to find the truth behind the happenings of Smallville and Clark himself. He's also constantly positioning himself in a favorable position by helping Clark, but at the same time, only as a way to know the truth. It's very fun to watch him wheel and deal in the background.
Still incredibly poor episode 5/10.
Episode 8: Jitters
First off, the jitters effect wasn't scary, it was hilarious. Laughably bad.
Second this episode breaks away from the norm: it's got a villain who's not really a villain, and the "not really a villain" is an adult this time around. It's refreshing to see that not all the villains are teenagers, and it's also good to throw in a sympathetic villain who is also a victim of circumstance and desperation. Also the villain's connection to Clark and the Kent family is more believable than it has been in the past (a study buddy in Cravings, and random jock that he goes to school with that's macking on Chloe in Cool). The villains story does take up a lot of time because it's the main story of the episode, sure there's some humorous filler early on about Clark throwing a party while his parents are away, but it's just that filler.
The rest of the episode is Earl Jenkins asking for help and trying to find out what is wrong with him and his disease's connection to Luthor Corp Testing. The idea of desperation is the kind of the main connection in this episode, Lionel is desperate to diffuse the situation and not have any negative press, Lex is desperate to be better than his father at any cost, Clark is desperate to help his friend, the Kent's are desperate to get their boy out. It shows how such a thing can escalate very very quickly. It also compares the relationship between Clark and his family to Lex and his father.
Outside of the filler, it's a pretty good episode, although some of the acting and the jitter effects are laughably bad.
So far the show can be incredibly frustrating, but I've enjoyed it because it's light fluffy entertainment which is something that I need right now. Eventually, I'll need more from this series...but the first season is always the hardest as they find their legs. Like I said this season reminds me a lot of Buffy Season 1.

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